Pure passion! My great love: "Papelápiz" is the only faithful companion that I have from an early age. Self-taught. I must first recognize and acknowledge who I inherited this facility to create and encouraged my passion for art since a very young: MIRROR EUGENIA RUIZ, www.eugeniaespejoruiz.artelista.com artist, portraitist. Who, when every day was lost for several hours, departed the world in their study that was the end of the trellis to find your passion and your wonderful gift. Who, in your quiet inspiration, let me see your hand, while his gentle strokes on the white linen covering the oil paintings were heavenly delicious smell colors and beginning to invade his small workshop. She: Eugenia mirror, my beloved Mother. To whom I owe everything. Much later, after 40 years, I intended to study painting with the great maestro Andrés Núñez, I enrolled and attended some classes but for reasons totally beyond my control I had to stop. However, his brush and instructions will be engraved in my memory forever. Many thanks.